Different measurements done in the last 17 years in oriented pyrolytic graphite, graphite powdersand natural graphite, strongly suggest that room temperature superconductivity is localized at some interfaces in the graphite structure. We conduct resistance as well as magnetic force microscopy measurements to investigate the possibility of superconductivity at room temperature.
The electronic state of an NV center forms a spin state with exceptionally long coherence times. The system contains the coherence properties of atoms, yet is trapt within the rigid lattice of a diamond crystal. NV centers can be addressed optically (spin-dependent fluorescence) and the electronic spin of an NV center can be readout. More control is achievable through the application of micro-wave frequency pulses, with which an extremely sensitive magnetometer for room-temperature as well as low-temperature measurements will be achieved.
Ferromagnetism at high temperatures is unusual, yet has been frequently observed in oxide materials with defects such as (non)magnetic impurties and/or vacancies/interstitials. The induced FM has a large potential for applications. Research is conducted to samples ranging from nano to macroscopic structures of TiO2, ZnO, CeO2,... .
Diamond irradiated with high energetic ions are found to exhibit interesting properties, such as ferromagnetism. Conducting paths can be achieved embedded in a diamond matrix, which is interesting for medical applications.